Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Which Stop Snoring Device is Most Effective?

!9# Which Stop Snoring Device is Most Effective?

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There are many wild theories, old wives tales and websites giving left-field advice regarding the topic of snoring and how to stop it. It's one of those unique afflictions that the sufferer often doesn't realize they have, simply because they are asleep at the time! One possible cure for snoring that is often overlooked, simply because there is a social preconception that we will feel and look silly utilizing it, is to use a stop snoring device.

These special devices range in format, application and cost and as there are a variety of these aids available, it enables you to utlize the most suitable solution for you. Some people are averse to surgery and so this is not a realistic option, whereas others are so frustrated at their affliction, that they will try just about anything. This article will to look at some of the options available.

Cost Effective Options

The first option to consider is by far and away the most inexpensive stop snoring device that we are going to discuss; nasal strips.

Nasal strips can be bought from chemists, pharmacies or online retailers and they are placed across the bridge of the nose, just above the nostrils. They work by pulling at and therefore expanding the nostrils, which in turn makes it easier to breath through the nose. Opening up the airways in the nose, reduces the chance of the person having to breathe through their mouth, which very often means a reduction in snoring.

A device called the mouth piece is our next choice and is a little more expensive than the nasal strips. Once again this stop snoring device can be bought from chemists, pharmacies or specialist suppliers and there are numerous testimonials from people who have used them. This device is very similar to the gum shields that are worn by boxers and other sportsmen, except the device fits to both the top and bottom set of teeth.

They are manufactured from a material which becomes pliable when heated (normally in warm water), enabling the device to mould around the wearer's teeth. The mouth piece works by gently repositioning the person's lower jaw, therefore opening the airway at the back of the throat. It also pushes the lower jaw slightly forward, which stops the soft tissue in the throat from vibrating, in turn halting your snoring.

If there is one stop snoring device that most people are reluctant to try, it is the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device. The reason for this apparent reluctance is because the device consists of a face mask, humidifier and tubing, so it is not particularly comfortable to wear. It can also make your bedroom resemble a hospital room, with the mask being attached to your teeth and the tube providing a continuous supply of pressurized humidified air into the mouth. This piece of equipment can be very effective, as it stops the upper airway from collapsing and is often used to treat obstructive sleep apnea. It is however, at the upper end of the cost bracket.

Seek Help From The Professionals

Dentists can provide you with a similar stop snoring device to a mouth piece called a dental implant. These are custom made for you and work on the same principle as the mouth piece, but are often made from metal or acrylic. They differ from the mouth piece as they of course are 'made to measure' and they will take into account your dental history. As you would expect, these devices are more expensive, but often people prefer this option as a medical practitioner is overseeing it.

In recent years, a new procedure has emerged that has proved to be a very effective stop snoring device, although strictly speaking it isn't a device as such. The palatal implantation has shown promising results for curing snoring and is performed under local anesthesia. Little plastic implants (less than an inch long) are inserted into the soft palate, ensuring your mouth is always kept in the correct position. Once you start to heal from the procedure, scar tissue begins to build up around these tiny implants. This causes the tissue of the soft palate to become stiff, causing the vibrations that cause snoring to stop. As this is technically a cosmetic procedure, it is quite expensive and is not covered by many (if any) insurance plans.

So in summary, choosing the most suitable stop snoring device is really a question of personal preference and affordability. It is also advisable for anyone who is considering devices or treatment for snoring to consult their doctor. They will be able to advise on an individual basis, what they feel may be the most suitable approach.

Which Stop Snoring Device is Most Effective?

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